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Fiamma Nera

Fiamma Nera is a vocal-instrumental early music ensemble that was founded in 2020 as a result of cooperation between two formations: Tra le Fiamme (duo - soprano and harpsichord) and Quartetto Nero (string quartet). The main idea of the merger was to broaden the horizons and exchange musical experiences of both groups. Fiamma Nera's achievements include becoming a finalist in the Göttingen Händel Competition 2021, performances in Poland and Austria, and recording a debut album, the premiere of which is planned for the end of 2024.



Alicja Ciesielczuk - soprano

Agata Habera, Paulina Woś-Gucik - violin

Anna Wieczorek - viola

Katarzyna Cichoń - cello

Paulina Żmuda - harpsichord

Upcoming concerts:


27.09.2024 / 19:00

Altes Rathaus - Barocksaal
Wipplingerstraße 8, Vienna 

Georg Friedrich Händel - Tu fedel? tu costante? HWV 171
Georg Friedrich Händel - Agrippina condotta a morire HWV 110
Stanisław Sylwester Szarzyński - Sonata for two violins and basso
Stanislaw Sylwester Szarzyński - Ave Regina
Georg Philipp Telemann - Kanarienvogelkantate TVWV 20:37
Georg Philipp Telemann - Der Weiberorden TVWV 20:49

Despite the fact that Stanisław Sylwester Szarzyński is considered one of the most outstanding composers of the Polish Baroque, he is not very well known to the wider public today, and his works are performed very rarely. In the concert programme, Szarzyński's work is combined with cantatas by German composers - G. F. Handel and G. Ph. Telemann, in whose music one can find numerous references to the Polish style.

The event is co-financed by the Adam Mickiewicz Institute under the "Polish Culture in the World" programme.


© 2019 by Quartetto Nero. All rights reserved.

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